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Dr Angela Puca is a university lecturer at Leeds Trinity University and holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in philosophy. In 2021, The University of Leeds awarded her a PhD in Religious Studies, which will soon be published with Brill.

Her research focuses on magic, witchcraft, Paganism, esotericism, shamanism, and related currents.  

Author of several peer-reviewed publications and co-editor of the forthcoming ‘Pagan Religions in five Minutes’ for Equinox, she hopes to bridge the gap between academia and the communities of magic practitioners by delivering related scholarly content on her YouTube Channel and TikTok ‘Angela’s Symposium.

The Left-Hand Path:
Origins in Tantra and its Western Evolution

Class Overview:

We will begin with the historical etymology of the Left-Hand Path, rooted in Tantra's Vāmācāra ("left-handed attainment") traditions. The lecture will highlight how these practices have been interpreted and often misinterpreted in the West, transforming into a distinct spiritual methodology emphasising individualism, personal sovereignty, and the deification of the self.



Key Topics Include:

  1. Tantric Origins: Exploration of the original meanings and practices associated with Vāmācāra within Tantric traditions, highlighting its ritual use of culturally forbidden substances and acts as pathways to spiritual liberation.

  2. Western Adaptation: How Western esotericists like Helena Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley adopted and adapted the term "Left-Hand Path" to fit alternative spiritual pursuits, significantly diverging from its Tantric origins. This section will explore the reinterpretation of the LHP to include esoteric and mystical elements absent in the original context.

  3. Philosophical and Practical Divergence: Comparative analysis of the philosophical and practical differences between Tantric and Western LHP practices, focusing on themes such as morality, transcendence, and the quest for power versus enlightenment. This discussion will detail how Western paths have redefined ethical boundaries and spiritual goals.

  4. Contemporary Practices: This segment will provide insight into modern LHP traditions, including Theistic Satanism, Luciferianism, the Temple of Set, and Chaos Magic. It will discuss each tradition's practices, magical workings, and philosophical rationales. Particular attention will be given to the role of personal freedom and the rejection of conventional religious doctrines as central tenets.

  5. Expanding Traditions: This section examines Chaos Magic as a form of the Left-Hand Path that emphasises the pragmatic use of belief systems and the manipulation of symbolic frameworks to achieve desired outcomes. It will also cover Satanic practices, ranging from symbolic rebellion in LaVeyan Satanism to theistic worship in spiritual Satanic traditions.

  6. Cultural Impact and Misconceptions: This section will examine the social stigma and controversies surrounding LHP practices, clarify common misconceptions, and discuss the cultural impact of LHP ideologies. It will also discuss how popular media and cultural narratives have shaped public perceptions of these paths.

Learning Outcomes:


Participants will leave with a nuanced understanding of the Left-Hand Path as a diverse and complex spiritual direction. They will appreciate the historical depth of the term and recognise the significant differences between its Eastern origins and Western adaptations, including incorporating newer traditions such as Chaos Magic and various forms of Satanism. This comprehensive exploration will equip attendees with a critical perspective on how these paths challenge and redefine spiritual paradigms.


Black Witch Dirah is a Luciferian Witch of the Left Hand Path and an occult educator, passionate about empowering those on their magickal journeys through occult philosophy and teachings. Her speciality areas include Demonolatry, Goetic and qliphothic magick and spiritual alchemy.


Class Overview:


Demonolatry 101 One might pursue the help of Daemons for a variety of reasons, whether that be improving your mundane and physical circumstances when it comes to career, finance or love, or seeking a greater wisdom and gnosis to bring you to a new level of spiritual enlightenment. Whatever the case may be, daemons are generally willing to help us when approached with integrity, respect and the correct etiquette. In Demonolatry 101 we will explore what Demonolatry and Daemons are (and what they are not), how they can create change in our lives, and how to conduct a safe and effective Demonolatry practice that brings real results

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