In our previous blog post, we explored the Principle of Mentalism and its connection to the science of consciousness and synchronicity. In this post, we will dive deeper into the idea Astrology and numerology are demonstrable aspects of reality, and how they point towards the possibility of an algorithmic universe.
Since the dawn of civilization, Astrology has been used to provide insights into the personalities and characteristics of famous figures throughout history. Examples of accurate astrological predictions, from the positioning of celestial bodies to the interpretation of their astrological meanings are a part of the recorded history of every great human society since Sumeria. One of the most notable examples is the prediction of the death of Julius Caesar. His death was predicted by a soothsayer who warned him to "beware the Ides of March." Caesar ignored the warning and was assassinated on March 15th, the day known as the Ides of March. This is just one of many examples of accurate astrological predictions throughout history. For example Abraham Lincoln’s Sun placement was Aquarius, which is associated with freedom, humanitarianism, and innovation. These traits are certainly in line with Lincoln's reputation as a champion of civil rights and his innovation in ending slavery.
Numerology, too, has demonstrated its accuracy over time. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras believed that everything in the universe was ultimately based on numbers, and that each number had its own unique vibrational frequency. He did not realize it at the time, but Pythagoras was forming the foundations of simulation theory. This idea has been put into practice in numerology, which assigns a numerical value to letters and uses these values to divine insights into people and events. For example, it has been suggested that the number 11 is a “master number”. String theory tells us that reality is composed of 11 dimensions. The golden ratio phi (1.618) is present in all life and even the spiral arms of our galaxy.
Other strange coincidences have also been noted, which further suggest the algorithmic nature of the simulation. For example, Wernher von Braun, a German rocket scientist, wrote a book called "Mars Project" in 1948, in which he described a man named "Elon" as the highest leader of a Martian colony. Fast forward to the 21st century, and we have Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, leading the charge in our real-world efforts to colonize Mars. Similarly, Morgan Robertson's novel "Futility: The Wreck of The Titan" was published in 1898, and detailed the sinking of a massive ocean liner named the Titan after hitting an iceberg in the North Atlantic. This fictional story bore striking similarities to the real-life sinking of the Titanic just over a decade later. These bizarre synchronicities are difficult to explain, but they suggest that our reality may indeed be a complex simulation, governed by mathematical laws beyond our current understanding.
Taken together, these examples of accurate astrological predictions and the insights provided by numerology point towards the possibility that the universe operates according to an algorithmic system that is attuned to the human mind. In other words, the universe may be fundamentally based on a set of mathematical rules that govern the behaviors of all things.
This idea eerily points towards the concept of simulation theory, which suggests that we may be living in a highly advanced computer simulation. If the universe is based on an algorithmic system, it is not difficult to imagine that it could be created by some sort of hyper intelligence.
In recent years, prominent scientists, such as Neil Degrasse Tyson, have publicly expressed support for the idea of a simulated reality. Tyson has said, "There's a very good chance that this is all just a simulation." Additionally, philosopher Nick Bostrom has argued that one of the following propositions must be true: "The fraction of human-level civilizations that reach a posthuman stage is very close to zero," "The fraction of posthuman civilizations that are interested in running ancestor-simulations is very close to zero," or "The fraction of all people with our kind of experiences that are living in a simulation is very close to one." While these ideas may seem far-fetched, they raise important questions about the nature of reality and the limits of our understanding.
In conclusion, the phenomena of synchronicity, astrology, and numerology point towards the possibility of an algorithmic universe. While we can never know for certain whether this is the case, these phenomena do suggest that reality is far more intricate and enigmatic than we may have previously thought.
If it is true that our reality is a type of simulation akin to a video game, the real question becomes: Are you playing to win?