

"One of the best beginner courses I've taken. Sanhre does this beautifully."
- Olivia Graves
The Witch of Wonderlust

"Attending The Order of Chaos Mystery School has been the best investment I’ve made in my many years as a student of all things Occult. I can’t tell you how much I’ve thrown away on would be teachers, charlatans, and scammers who are just out for your money! Unlike too many others who tried to convince me of their magickal prowess, Sanhre is the REAL DEAL. His courses reach into his vast knowledge base and are taught with integrity, heart, and intuitive connection with his students. I’ve learned more in just a few months than I have in years of study. I HIGHLY recommend The Order of Chaos Mystery School to anyone wanting to learn REAL MAGICK, beginner through advanced practitioner".
- Phoenix Starfire